GW2 Gear Optimizer


The Gear Optimizer helps Guild Wars 2 players find optimal builds for fractals, raids, and strike missions.

I made signifcant contributions to the frontend as well as to the calculation core by rewriting it in Rust and implementing threading. Furthermore, I worked closely with and coordinated a small team of a few developers from all over the world (see here ) to improve the project further.


Interesting features for players of the video game:

  • find optimal builds based on various parameters
  • build templates with extensive sensible defaults that are used by players
  • support for different game modes with different balancing
  • Uptime input for conditional buffs
  • keyboard shortcuts
  • custom arbitrary modifier input to allow simulating theoretical balancing
  • infusion helper: calculates the cheapest way to acquire n agony resistance
  • input condition distribution
  • displays the results just like in game
  • share settings and results with a single link

Most Significant Contributions

  • I rewrote the frontend from scratch utilizing modern JS tooling
    -> the old optimizer consisted out of one 10k LoC HTML file and an equally large js file; bundled with gulp and jquery …
  • ported the calculation core to Rust; refactored the combination generation code to support multi-threading
    -> added some heuristics to reduce the amount of combinations
  • state compression algorithm based on a schema so that players can share links to their builds without a server storing data

Technical Details

The optimizer has numerous interesting technical features:

  • React SPA without SSR with Vite
  • Built with Material-UI 5 and Emotion for CSS-in-JS
  • Statemanagement with ReduxJS
  • multithreaded calculations with Rust compiled to WASM and WebWorkers
  • i18n localization (Chinese and German)
  • hosted on Cloudflare pages utilizing Workers and KV
  • custom algorithm for lossless state compress based on a schema into base64, url-save strings